Sunday, December 30, 2012

A Shanghai Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas,
in the city of Shanghai...

and per European tradition, Christmas was celebrated on the eve and not the day. (Sorry to ruin your anticipation of a brilliant rhyme). That's what happens when you get outnumbered. No matter, it was a wonderful Christmas eve and day. We were 13 people, mostly German, who got together in a small apartment for a cozy evening filled with good food, lots of wine, and silly games. Since we are in China, we decided it was only appropriate to have Peking Duck instead of turkey. However, we couldn't resist to also have some traditional staples from back home such as Rotkohl (for the Germans) and Mashed Potatoes (on behalf of myself!). It was quite a funny experience to eat Christmas eve dinner with Chopsticks; however, after 4 months of training, we all managed just fine. After dinner, we exchanged our Secret Santa gifts. I must have been very good this year because I got a great present including: a pretty pink watch, a hello kitty iPhone cover and my own little Terracotta warrior soldier that I may kiss whenever I want to! (reference to current facebook profile picture). After presents, we spent the evening playing very silly games with the night going until 3am with Charades. On actual Christmas, we all slept in, and gathered later in the day to watch Christmas movies and order pizza. This was my first Christmas away from home and although I missed my family incredibly much, I am very grateful to have been surrounded by wonderful people which have become my little Shanghai family. 

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