Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A Haircut: Chinese Version

It's hot and humid here. I'm not going to even deny it, I was spoiled with a mild 70 degree weather growing up in California which makes me whine to anything cold or too hot. And you know what doesn't help the situation? Long hair which sticks to your skin and occasionally gets stuck in you armpits. So, I decided today I can't take it any longer and its time to chop it off. Only problem is: how do I even go about doing that? I mean, I'm pretty easy going about hair but at the minimum I like it when the hair stylist has a general idea about what I want. So naturally, I was terrified of the idea of going into a Chinese salon and getting it done knowing that there would be a huge language barrier. In Shanghai I guess there are two options. Either you pay up to 1,000 CNY (that's more than 100 euros) and go to a fancy European salon or you just brave it and go into a local place where you can get it cut for 60 CNY  (7.5 euro). I decided to be brave and keep my wallet full. So, I went into a place asked if they spoke English...he didn't really respond to that question. But he did show me to a book where they had all the services listed in English. I pointed to wash, cut, and blow dry and was seated. In China, hair styling is a masculine profession so I had a young Chinese guy shampoo my hair, while I was sitting in the chair. It was like he was playing with soap bubbles the whole time atop of my head. He massaged and scratched and overall felt good and not painful. (which I was scared because I read a blog where it liken the Chinese head massage to trying to crack open a coconut with your bare hands). After he washed everything out in the sink, another guy came to blow dry my hair. He did it so pretty I almost wanted to get up and keep my long hair in tact. I showed him a picture from my phone of what I wanted and he said "ok". In the end my hair cut wasn't like the picture but I am left still very satisfied. Of course, during the process other Chinese stylists came to gather around and watch the Blonde girl get her long hair cut off. I wish I could understand what they were saying. Overall though, I was left in impressed. There is no way I could get such a treatment for that cheap in Germany or the US. The guy who cut my hair was a perfectionist and really took his time to do a thorough job. So, was getting my hair cut a good decision. I think yes, what do you think?

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