Thursday, September 27, 2012

Fake Market

When I told my mom I was going to China, I think the first thing she told me was "Get your mother a good (fake) bag!". Yup, my mom knew about the shopping before I did. And you know what? I think the fake market really does live up to its expectations. But maybe I was just so impressed because my first "market experience" was not so good. In our second week, we went to the mall at Qipu Road: Shanghai’s "famous and infamous" wholesale shopping area. It was packed. Shoes. Bags. Shoes. Clothes. Shoes. More bags. Clothes. You really have to be in the shopping mood and be patient. Although I bought a dress and shoes, I wasn't successful. For the dress, I wasn't allowed to try it on. It was only 3€ so I bought it anyway. It seemed really stretchy and a "one size fits all" sort of deal. But in fact, it's a bit small in one particular area. As far as the shoes are concerned, I got a style I had seen in Barcelona and wanted to get, but did not get. I bought the shoes for 8€, which was actually too much. But I was satisfied nonetheless until when I later opened the box and discovered they were totally discolored! Did the saleswoman pull a switch-a-roo from the ones I tried on, or did I really just not pay close enough attention? I've worn them anyways. (At night where I think most people don't notice that they are spotted).

I don't think I will return to Qipu Road.

But as far as the Fake Market is concerned: I'm hooked.

We went to the one on West Nanjing Road. I gave myself a spending limit of 20€ but in the end, I doubled that amount (whoopsies!). My bounty included: a Hello Kitty iPhone cover (hey, when in China..), a Harley Davidson t-shirt for my Dad (sorry to ruin the surprise of your xmas present), a "Longchamp" purse, "Chole" perfume, two "OPI" nailpolishes, and "Ray ban" sunglasses. Please notice the emphasis of quotation marks since it is after all: the FAKE market. At the fake market, you need to bargain, it's the only way of purchase. Now I will humbly admit: I am really bad at bargaining. The Chinese get the better of me on every purchase. I think the best English skills I have heard is at the Fake Market. There are some common phrases, however,lLike: "Lady, don't joke me, what's your best price." "I give you my best price (NOT!)" "Hey pretty Lady" "Hey Lady, you want bag? watches?" The nice ones really get me. After complementing me 10x and then looking at me with those seemingly innocent Asian eyes, I'm always accepting a price I know is too much.

I will tell you what I paid for each item. If anyone reading this knows what I should have actually paid, I'd sincerely appreciate your helpful comments below.

Hello Kitty iPhone cover: 40 cny
Harley Davidson T-shirt: 30 cny
Longchamp bag: 80 cny
Chloe perfume: 100 cny
OPI naipolish: 15 cny (each)
Ray Ban sunglasses: 50 cny

Now I guess I paid an average of 20 CNY too much on everything. But I'm learning. At the end of the day that means about 2.50€. I think it depends on the person. For me, I do not enjoy the bargaining process so I'm okay with paying a bit extra. I bet there are some hard core bargainers out there shaking their heads at me, but that's okay. I hope I can get better...especially since I had my eye on a pair of high heels and I know I'm going to have to nickle them down. Does anyone have some good tips?

Spotted Cow Shoes
The "Goods"

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